>>>>>05.09 -05.10.14<<<<<
JC finally got a weekend off of work! His favorite thing in the world is riding dirt bikes, so he planned a dune trip with his friends, and Brian & Kenny were able to come too.
Brian, Kenny, JC & I camped out on Friday night. It was so much fun camping at the base of the dunes, plus we had the first campfire of the season! Campfires turn things regular meals & conversations into experiences... You know what I mean!
I love this picture Kenny took! Now that I think of it, he took all of these pics. Thanks brotha!
It's fun to pretend like I am going to keep up with the buds.
Adrenaline pinching.
JC woke up at about 6 AM Saturday, he was so juiced to ride his new bike! JUICED. He is a 12 year old at heart, that might be one of my favorite things about him.
After everyone showed up & got all their gear put together, we went on a bunch of rides. I discovered I hate riding in sand. It's a lot more difficult than dirt. I'm so squirrel-y, I feel like like I would go right off a cliff if there was one near by. JC made me practice on a flatter trail, back and forth. I felt bad for him when he was stuck with me because I go about 3 MPH. And I have to stop every 50 ft, just to gather my wits.
It was good though, I think I'm progressing!
I have fun just knowing other people are enjoying themselves- is that weird? It was such a fun weekend getting to hang out with JC all day & watch him in his element. I can't wait for another trip!